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i can’t afford any disturbance
不要再烦我  detail>>
i can’t afford a new car
我买不起一部新车  detail>>
can i be of any assistance
如果是熟客  detail>>
i can play any role…
任何角色任我玩  detail>>
can afford to
买得起  detail>>
can not afford to
负担不起......336  detail>>
because i can not understand any english
因为我一点也不懂英语  detail>>
can i make it any more obvious
话说的够清楚了吧 我还需要说的更明白吗  detail>>
i can come any time except sunday
除星期天外我都能来  detail>>
i can’t take you any more
我再也受不了你啦  detail>>
can afford to do
卖得起,负担得起 有钱做某事  detail>>
can afford to v
能够经得起  detail>>
more than they can afford
超过支付能力  detail>>
someone can’t afford
输不起,付不出这个代价  detail>>
be more than one can afford
付不起  detail>>
any individual can apply
任何个人能申请  detail>>
can’t…any longer
再也……不能  detail>>
the price can’t be any lower
这个价格不能再低了  detail>>